Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Would you like some cheese with that Whine?

Hello Reader,

I want to make a formal apology for being so scarce lately. Life has become very hectic on my end. Not that this is a bad thing; it is just another phase in my life, and to be frank with you, it is quite refreshing to be extremely busy.

A List
Art History, accelerated course (one semester in one month)
Introduction to Western Civilization, self-paced, accelerated course
Ace Hardware, full-time (usually 9am to 7pm)
Commercial Power Washing, minimum of six nights a month
Most importantly: My Family

It has been fun and interesting trying to juggle and balance everything. But it has left me very little time for anything else. I can promise you this, Reader: I am writing a sort of biography for my grandfather's 90th birthday, and when it is completed and given to him on his birthday (next weekend) I shall also post it here!

So, be kind, and keep dropping in, Reader. I have not forgotten about you, and I hope that you do not forget about me!


Araken said...

No need to be formal, we're all your friends! Just glad to hear from you!

P.S. Will we get to read more Veteran?

Jamin said...

Being busy...sounds like a trend that's going around. What happened to the days when summer meant you could let your mind turn to mush?

And The Band Played Waltzing Matilda